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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

4th birthday letter to the Noodle

My dear, sweet, Chinese Noodle,

Today you are 4 years old!  I can't believe how big you are getting.  There are so many wonderful things that we cherish about you:  you love to eat rice and noodles but are wonderfully willing to eat almost anything we have at meals(with the exception of green peppers, acorn squash, string cheese and brussel sprouts); you have a memory like an elephant and you remember some of the craziest details--things I had forgotten a long time ago; you love to read and are quite content to consume books by the stack; each time you go to sleep you want either Daddy or I to sing 2 songs to you--while we're singing, you just gaze up in our eyes and listen; even though you're an independent little person, at times you love to pretend you're our baby again and be rocked in our arms--you just laugh and laugh;  you are now willing to say grace with us before eating, even though you've known the prayer forever--when you say it, you always say it at the top of your lungs (endearing...most times);  you are very reserved and shy during new or larger, unknown situation--then you have the most stoic look on your face and you cling to our legs; around the house, you love to be right where we are and often we trip over you because you are our little shadow; your stubborn streak is making itself more evident, but thankfully we can go a few days at a time between bouts of it rearing it's little head--when it does, though, Watch Out!--you've been known to throw some doozies in the temper tantrum department; after you're completely spent, you want nothing more than kisses and cuddles;  whenever Daddy is working on a project you are his right-hand girl...I don't know who enjoys it more, you or him?  Your little personality is such a joy to us!  I love to see how God is developing you and molding you into the person He has planned.  Each morning I pray that Daddy and I would be given the guidance needed to raise you to be a strong, loving Christian girl who brings a smile to God's face.  Such a huge responsibility!!  We love you so much and feel honored that God has called us to be your parents.  Happy Birthday Love!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday, from all of us, C!!!!