About Me

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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend fun

Saturday morning we participated in a walk for a local shelter. It was just a one mile job, but it was so nice to get out, walk around one of the quaint neighborhoods of Downtown and enjoy the company of our friends.

After that, we went out to Grandma and Grandpa's for a boat ride. J had really been building up how the Chinese Noodle would get to wear her own special jacket and how cool it was. When she saw it she couldn't wait to put it on. We didn't know how she'd like the boat ride...silly of us to be concerned. I think her face tells it all. I have a feeling that the Noodle will be siding with J if the topic of purchasing a boat for ourselves comes up.

I love how fast it goes and all of the bumps!
Helping Grandpa bring the boat back in after a fun ride.
Those of you who know J, know that he quite often can be found outside attending to the vehicles. Washing, waxing, etc. No matter the weather or temperature. A clean car is very important, you know. The C.N. loves to help him and so we were tickled when we found a car for her. I foresee a personalized detail job in the future...

Washing my new set of wheels.

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