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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Aggle Flabble Klabble

Are you familiar with the book Knuffle Bunny?  Our Early Childhood PTA was able to get tickets to see the play, based on this funny book by Mo Willems.  The story is one of the Noodle's favorites and both J and I find it pretty amusing too.  In a nutshell, the Daddy and the little girl, Trixie, go the the laundromat one day and inadvertently Trixie's lovie, Knuffle Bunny, gets stuffed into the wash.  They head for home, not realizing where Knuffle Bunny has been placed.  The problem (and humor) arises when Trixie realizes she's lost her bunny and proceeds to try and communicate this to her Daddy.  Unfortunately, Trixie doesn't speak yet.
Haven't we all been in that situation, where we (or someone we love) is trying to tell us something sooo important and for whatever reason, we're just NOT GETTING it?!  Ohh the frustration!  The annoyance!  The sheer maddness of it all!  Aggle Flabble Klabble!!!  We've even taken to saying that around here when we're feeling at our wits end.  Not that that happens much.  Ahem.

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