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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Stuffed...Thanksgiving re-cap

Well.  We got our turkey on (most of us, anyway) and gobbled until we literally wobbled!  Ugh--too.much.food!!

We started our Thanksgiving morning much the same as other Americans, I'm sure.  Pouring through the circulars.  Not because we hit the Black Friday sales but because neither of the girls had made their Christmas lists for Santa.  This was the perfect place to start.
Ah, the peace and quiet with a side of chaos, while J and I finished reading the paper.
Then it was time to head out to visit Grandma and Grandpa.  No holiday feast is complete with out the required hors d'oeuvres.  And a photo bomb.  In our family, it is the buffalo chicken wing dip--always, and I threw in a brie with cranberries and pistachios into the mix for an added choice.  Yum!
There were lots of silly antics with the cousins.
A bit of parade watching.
Superhero memory.  Lots of superhero memory.
And tons of snuggles, cuddles, kisses and hugs.  It is Thanksgiving, after all, and what better way to let those around you know how thankful you are for them, than by smothering them in love?!
#thankful #blessed
The feast.  Delicious.  Nap-inducing (which quite a few us did partake in, I must admit).
After we finally dragged ourselves out of our chairs, we took a walk on the beach.  The wind was from the South, so there was lots of sand and it was crazy warm for this time of year.
This guy.  His favorite place is by the water.  Love him so much.  God knew what He was doing when He brought us together.
And just like that, it was time to head for home.  We had such a lovely Thanksgiving--family, love, laughter, food, shelter.  Such simple things but such BIG things too.  I don't ever want to take them for granted.

This is what followed us home.  Beautiful!!  Can you see how the Lake is just illuminated by the moon's light?  It was that bright.  Just another visible, tangible reminder that God is so good.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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