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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dress up

As the (pre)school year was winding down, I started combing my brain for some good teacher/thank you presents.  As one who has been on the receiving end, I figured that they had more than enough mugs and "apple" paraphernalia--not that there is anything wrong with those gifts, but a few go a loooong way, if ya know what I mean.  So, after discussing with the Noodle, it was decided we I would make something for the classroom instead.
I knew the class had a quite a few well worn well loved princess dresses but not so many options for those who aren't "into" princesses (ahem...like a Noodle we all know and love).  Since the Easter Bunny had brought a pirate's vest with an eye-patch in a certain someone's basket, I tossed out that option, as well as a sheriff's vest (thanks to Dana over at MADE for the super-easy tutorials) as ideas.
Once they were all completed (only a couple of nap-time afternoons needed...but more on that at a later date) and wrapped up, the C.N. started making noises about wishing she had a sheriff's vest too.  Watching Toy Story 1 and 2 also helped spark that interest.
Sooo, we have now added a sheriff's vest to our meager dress-up bag.  Now she can decide if she wants to sail the 7 seas, round up the bad guys or fight off a few Huns (Mulan reference).  All in a days work, right?!

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