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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

CSA--week 1

For those of you who are relatively new to the blog, each summer we join a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to get fresh veggies that are locally grown.  Yum!  It has been a great experience and certainly has expanded our repertoire in the veg department (never had eaten a kohlrabi, aka the UFO-looking vegetable), until last summer!  Our CSA is primarily veggies, but sometimes we'll get some fruit, honey, maple syrup, etc. thrown into the mix. We sign up for a 1/2 share which I find is plenty for our family of 3.  I still end up supplementing with some additional vegetables throughout the week, but overall, it is more than enough.
The local scene.
Each week they have different musical entertainment.
Our pick-up date is Wednesdays evenings, on our local library's front porch.  I usually teach my Centergy class on that night, but tonight was able to go for the first one.  Yeah :)  Even with all the rain that we had this spring (it seriously put a hurt on the farmers and their ability to plant), we still got a decent share:  lettuce, garlic scapes, green onions, 5lbs wheat flour, soup beans, apple butter, fresh oregano, and drum-roll please....strawberries!!
One sweaty little miss!
After a much needed bath (Mother Nature seemed to miss the memo about spring and after dumping a gazillion gallons of water, did a 180 degree switch and turned up the heat to 96), Daddy made a tried and true summer time treat--strawberry shortcakes!  What a great way to end the day :)

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