See anything that looks tasty? frogs perhaps? No?!
Love that Budda guy...just cracks me up, especially his belly.
For Valentine's day, Lolly and Papa came over for the afternoon, giving J and I the chance to go out for a little "date". Where did we go you ask? Why to pick out a new dining room floor!! Romantic, huh? It WAS, though, because it was great just being together. We already had in mind what we wanted, so it really didn't take too long, and then we went out for a drink afterwards. We were home in time for a special dinner and the red velevet cake the Noodle had helped me make and decorate. As a disclaimer here, I have quickly come to the realization that I am NOT a good cake decorator. My Nana is ALWAYS baking double layer chocolate cakes with fabulous, smooth frosting and they never seem to topple, crumb through the frosting or generally look like the cat has dragged them in. Sigh. Good thing that my 2 biggest fans don't hold it against me...and that it tasted MUCH better than it looked.
Watch out...that red velvet batter stains somethin' fierce!
Don't those Valentine M & Ms just make ya smile? Kinda like the leaning tower o'cake.
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