Where did my old bed go? (Please excuse the dust bunnies and the collection of "stuff" that fell behind...so embarassing!).
Trying out my new bed. Ohhh, very comfy!
I decided to spruce it up a little bit with a few small throw pillows. Since Santa had brought me a new sewing machine, this was the perfect project to take it for a test drive. As a side note, if you've never made throw pillows before and you are a beginner sewer, let me just tell you that this is the BEST project to undertake. Soo simple. I went to JoAnn's and picked up pillow forms. Right on the outside of the package it tells the dimensions. Just add a 1/2 inch on each side when you are measuring the material (example: one pillow form was 14x14. The square piece of material I cut was 15x15). Pin material wrong sides together and sew 3 of the four sides together. Leave about 5-7 inches on the 4th side open. Cut your corners, being careful that you don't cut the stitches, and turn right side out. Stuff the pillow form into the newly created case and whip-stitch closed. Presto, new throw pillows.

Since I had been able to make the pillows so quickly, I decided to whip some up for our bed. I had been holding onto some old sheets/pillowcases and thought these would be perfect for our pillows. So, for about $20 (4 pillow forms (50% off during the President's Day sale) and some yellow ric-rac--love that stuff!), we got new pillows too. Certainly spruces up the room and puts a smile on my face (as does the sun that's shining outside today).
Happy decorating and sewing!
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