Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...must be a duck! We took some time out to feed the ducks and geese at a local pond. When one of the geese decided to bite the tail feathers of another goose (she was protecting her goslings), I thought, perhaps we're finished feeding the feathered friends and we'll go on a nature walk instead. Apparently, small, green, mossy looking "logs" are too interesting...after one of those got handled, we dashed to the car for hand sanitizer and decided to call it an afternoon (btw, we washed hands immediately after we got home)! Thankfully it was at the end of our walk. I never thought to point out duck/geese pooh-pooh to the Noodle so she wouldn't pick it up--I just assumed she knew. Silly, silly me. You know what they say, "when you assume...". LOL, it was a fun afternoon despite!

The excitement of it all is just too much!

Perfecting the toss--

Doing her very best duck imitation

Zooming by (don't worry, she was a safe distance from the water)

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