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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Goodbye First Grade--Hello Summer!!

It is official--the Noodle is no longer a first grader (insert big sigh from Mama)!  We've started that glorious time called summer break.  Yipee!!

J snuck out of work early on Friday and so surprised her by getting her off of the bus.  Then, after a fun night at church singing, praising and learning about God, we headed to the local ice cream parlor to celebrate a year of successes.

As we drove home, this was the sight that greeted us:
Today when she woke up, she realized she had a loose tooth (finally!!).  The dentist kept reassuring us it would come but I know she's been dying to have a wiggly one.  It was literally at the forefront of her mind all.day.  We'll see how she does when it actually gets to that "hanging-by-a-thread-bloody-phase".  

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