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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The stork has landed........

A few days ago the stork landed at our house with some very exciting news!  We received our LOA (Letter of Acceptance) from China stating that we were "officially" allowed to adopt our daughter!!  We are thrilled to introduce the newest member of our family!!  Mei-Mei (little sister in Mandarin) turned 2 on June 30 and is waiting for us in a southern province in China.  We can't wait to get our hands on that little munchkin and gobble up those cheeks!!  God is soo good!!!
The other reason we were so happy is that now we have a more definitive timeline regarding when we will travel.  At this point, it is looking like the end of January/beginning of Feburary.  Now anyone familiar with China knows that this, in fact, is NOT an optimal time to travel because of the Chinese New Year.  The whole country basically shuts down for 2 weeks and everything grinds to a halt.  This year, CNY falls on 1/31/14.  So, I guess we'll have to wait and see if we can get things pushed through before the holiday or whether we'll be waiting until after.  Either way, the timing will be according to God so it will be perfect.  I just have to keep remembering this!!
Now it is time to get into serious preparation mode!


David,Lois,Austin, Darrell & Leila said...

YAY!!!!! So very happy for you all.

Susan said...

Soooo excited for you all!!!! Can't wait to meet this little sweetie!!!

Unknown said...

Erin and Jeff!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chloe is GORGEOUS! I asm so excited for you all. I wish I was going to get to meet her. Just precious and you are so right.....God is so good!

Seth said...

Can't wait to meet you Mei Mei!

Faye Verquer said...

She is beautiful...I bet you can't wait and Big Sis I'm sure is beyond excited!! What a wonderful time of year to be expecting!!! Hugs to all of you.