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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Storytime with the Ch*ck-Fil-A cow

Yippee!  I can't believe I'm here!!!!!!!
One thing that I really try to limit, is the amount of fast food that we eat.  We rarely eat lunch out, go through the drive-through or even stop when traveling (I'm more of a proponent of brown baggin' it and pushing through).  Just one of those things, ya know?  Last spring, we were really pushed for time and had to get to a doctors appt. but needed to eat lunch prior.  When weighing my options, I thought Ch*ck-Fil-A would be the best option.  Well, the Noodle thought she had died and gone to heaven!  Just the sight of that play structure had her drooling in her chicken meal, even though at the time, we couldn't go play since we had to get to the appointment!  Whenever we'd drive past a Ch*ck-Fil-A she'd gaze longingly out the window... until today.

I like the view of the cow from up here, thank you very much!

Our early childhood PTA group planned a story time with the Ch*ck-Fil-A cow and I knew that she'd love it.  Ironically, she remembered that there was a car suspended in the play area and kept talking about it, even though I had absolutely no idea what she was going on about (note to self--she has a memory like an elephant!).  While she wasn't a huge fan of the larger-than-life cow, she enjoyed the stories, running and climbing around the structure and of course eating her lunch.  To top it all off, she had earned a "free" ice cream through the library's summer reading program so we decided to redeem that too.  In for a penny, in for a pound!  She's one tuckered out little peanut--and sleeping like a baby :)
This is for you, Papa.
Toppin' it all off with a sweet, cool treat!

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