The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
their words to the ends of the world.
Our pastor made a comment today during our service about how we all rave about how beautiful the change is, this time of year. We celebrate it--relish it--revel in it! But how quick we are to rail and complain when God is using change in our own lives. Suddenly we hate it and want it to end immediately. Isn't it interesting that it is only through the change that God can make something new come forth. That really hit me. Makes me realize once again that I need to give thanks, even during the change and tough times.
Something that we got into the habit of doing this summer was combing the beaches close to our house for beach glass. Some of the beaches are only accessible from the water so these usually had tons of "diamonds and gold" as the Noodle likes to call the beach glass. We all pretend that we're pirates looking for loot. Some days we come back with our bucket almost full...other days it is just a few pieces. Sometimes we're on foot and other times were in the kayak. When we went out yesterday, we didn't have too much luck, but we had the place to ourselves so it didn't matter. It was a great opportunity to be together and to declare the glory of God.
1 comment:
Love this post. Great Psalm!!
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