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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Red Thread

A few months ago, while sitting in the preschool pick-up line, I was listening to NPR.  An author came on by the name of Ann Hood to talk with Diane Rehm about her newest book  The Red Thread.  I finally got a chance to read it and would highly recommend it, whether or not you have a child born in China.  Here's a quick book review in case you're interested. 

The story revolves around the main character, Maya who runs "an adoption agency that specializes in placing baby girls who were born in China, with American families".  As the story unfolds, we follow 5 families and their struggles, as they go through their orientation with the agency, prepare and send their paperwork to China, receive their LID, referrals and finally meet their new daughters.  Maya herself is harboring a tragic secret that she grapples with throughout the story and only is able to find solace in her work--until the end.  As each section concludes, the author flips over to China to tell the story of 5 mothers who are faced with heart-wrenching decisions that they must make and the circumstances that surround those decisions. 

Obviously the whole adoption process to China resonated with me, since we have "been there, done that".  What was even more moving for me, however, were the stories of the 5 Chinese mothers.  I think I especially feel this way, because we are coming up on our 2 year Forever Family Day in a few weeks.  My mind has been quite wrapped up lately, in the origins of the Noodle's birth, her unique story that only her birth mother knows and the grief that this woman still (I would think) feels to this day.  Her searing sacrifice resulted in our beautiful blessing.  One woman's grief led to another woman's joy.  You can't HELP but stop and think...and thank the Lord for His provisions.

I want to be upfront and state that this book is entirely fiction.  While the author herself adopted her daughter from China and certainly drew upon those experiences, none of the story-lines were based on real-life (either  in China and here in the States).  It was a quick read and hooked me from the start.  I know that there are only a few more weeks in summer, but if you have a chance, definitely pick this book up and give it a read!


Unknown said...

so sweet. love you both!! and am so thankful for God's blessing for you and us!!

Debbie Sauer said...

Thanks for the recommendation, I hope to read it. Did you ever read Grace From China? That is good also. I gave it for several Christmas presents, since our China baby is named Grace. Blessings