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I love to laugh and love with my family, read, exercise, cook and sew, all the while giving thanks to God for his immeasureable love and faithfulness to me.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Big birthday wishes to a 5 year old!

So this little one decided to go and turn 5 on us.  Oh my goodness!
She started off her birthday by graduating from Safety Town.  I was taking a class all week so couldn't see it, but Lala went and cheered on the little graduate.  After graduation, I met them out for lunch--just the 3 of us.  So special!
 Then that evening, we had both sets of grandparents over for dinner.  The request?  Lucky birthday noodles, of course!
 I just used P. Dub's simple sesame noodle recipe.  With bok choy and diced peppers, because, well actually, I can't bring myself to serve a meal without some sort of veg.  Chopsticks were optional.
 Then on to the presents.  The highly anticipated event!!
 We found a piano at a garage sale.  An excellent purchase at $5.00 if I do say so myself.
 It takes big muscles to hold up that Beatrix Potter anthology!
 Finally, cake brownies with mint frosting and chocolate chips.  She actually wanted a mint chocolate chip/strawberry cake, but I convinced her to do one and have the other in ice cream form.  It was actually a very good combination.
 Every time we would walk down the baking aisle in the grocery store Mei Mei talked about wanting a "5" candle.  That was an easy request to grant ;)
 By this time in the evening, everyone was getting goofy and the effects of the sugar were definitely evident.  We managed to snap a couple of pictures with the grandparents before hustling the birthday girl and her sister up into bed.  A full day of celebrating is enough to tire anyone out--parents included!
Happy Birthday Mei Mei!!  You are a blessing and a joy to our family!  Your kind, sweet ways bring a smile to all of our faces.  We love you to the China moon and back!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

It's strawberry time!!

At the beginning of the summer the girls and I sat down to create our "summer list" of fun things to do.  Highlights always include:  go see a movie in the movie theater, eat lots of ice cream from all of our local spots, read tons of books/library book club and pick berries.
Yesterday was the day.  Cooler temperatures, a free afternoon, bellies ready for strawberries!  Yum ;)
Since our morning was pretty booked, we left after lunch.  Now I know that is a dangerous time for Mei Mei to drive any distance in the car because she typically falls asleep.  And when she falls asleep and has to be woken up, she can be a real bear.  But, what can you do when the farm is 25 minutes away and it is 2 in the afternoon?  Hope for the best, that's what!
Unfortunately, it wasn't to be.  She was in a real funk when we finally pulled into the farm.  Crying, whining, yelling--the whole, ugly, nine yards.  A certain adult may or may not have lost her cool. Thankfully the Noodle stayed calm and kept out of it.  #smartmove
We almost, almost left, because when you're turning 5 in a few days and you dig your heels in, refusing to walk, what else can you do?!  Thankfully, she eventually settled down, pulled herself together and then was in the best mood.  Go figure-ha!
I don't know if it was later in the season or the fact that we've been so dry, but at first, we had a hard time even finding any berries to pick.  Once we found some bushes and settled in, we realized that the berries were pretty small.  I got wise this year and only took 2 buckets for the 3 of us.
That ended up being the perfect amount because I could go back and forth helping each girl out, we were out there just long enough to keep everyone motivated (with the reminder of frozen custard as the reward at the end!) and yet we picked enough berries to make it worthwhile.  Win!
At the end of a berry picking session we always stop and get frozen custard from a little farm stand close by. That sweet treat always tastes soo good and is a true snapshot of  all the things I love about summer--hanging with my girls, making memories, eating yummy food!
Here's to summer!!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Soccer and ballet

A couple of weeks ago Mei Mei finished up her rec soccer and had her ballet recital all on the same day.  It was a busy day for this girl!
 She had a lot of fun playing and met a new little friend so all in all, I'd say it was a success.  At this age, it is still rather "bumblebee ball" since they all just move in a pack, but it is so sweet to watch.  The fact that the games are, at most, 40-45 minutes long makes it much sweeter too!
 Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take any pictures during the recital, but the little "Pom Pom Party" routine her 4/5 class put on was adorable!!  One of the things I really appreciate about where she took dance is that they are very "old school" in that there isn't any of the booty-shaking business going on.
 Everything is very classical--hair, dress, etc.  Every other year they do a low-key recital where it is just a chance to showcase what the children have been learning.  This was one of those years, so there weren't any costumes, make-up, lighting or special effects.
 She was just thrilled to be on the stage and didn't appear to be nervous at all.  She was also all about getting a flower-ha!  When I went back to pick her up she pounced on me, asking about it.  Thankfully Grandpa was holding it for her so she got it when she saw everyone ;)
Just look at that shining smile!  Someone was very proud of themselves and was so happy to have all her family there to watch and support her.

Friday, June 10, 2016

School's out!

Goodbye 3rd grade!  Hello Summer!!!!
 This pretty much sums up our feelings ;)
 The Noodle had field day to celebrate her last day.  Her team color?  Orange.
 All kinds of shenanigans while waiting for the bus.  Since it is early, Mei Mei was still in her jammies! 
 Since J works longer days during the summer, he's able to be home by noon on Fridays.  Yea!  We met the Noodle coming off the bus and were all smiles.
 My big 4th grader!
 My girls--so proud of these two!
 To celebrate we went out to dinner and had the place pretty much to ourself!
We are ready for summer...bring it!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Memorial Day

Ahhhh!  The official start to the summer!  Woot woot ;)  We're ready for ya!
The main plans we had consisted of hanging with family and close friends.  First stop--a ride on Grandpa's train.
 It is always a hit, but especially when the younger set gets to drive it.
 Next it was back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a picnic lunch and lots of beach time.
Even though the water was still frigid, it didn't stop them from going in and even dunking their heads. Crazy girls!
On Sunday we had church and some jobs around the house which called for a Home Depot run.  You never know what you might discover--even gems!
Then we went over to our good friends house for a picnic dinner and a camp out(!).  Yes, you read that correctly.  Tents in the backyard, watermelon, sparklers and a rousing game of bean boozle.  Yuck!
The next morning it was all about the congee, dan tat (egg tarts), and noodles.  Everyone was pretty sure they were eating a little slice of heaven.
 There may or may not have been seconds.  And thirds.
After the late night and then the huge breakfast the following morning, someone came home and crashed.  
On Monday night Lala and Papa came over to grill out and we enjoyed the end of a glorious weekend.  I have a feeling this is the start to a great summer!