One year ago today we were anxiously watching the clock, wondering whether we would make it from the airport to our hotel by 4:00, in order to get the Chinese Noodle. We shouldn't have worried. God had everything under His control and we made it there without a problem. I'll never forget arriving, dropping our bags in our room, washing our hands and grabbing our paperwork before we were ushered up to a conference room on the 18th floor. There were 2 other families (not with our agency) who were also receiving their daughters (from a different orphanage than the Noodle's). Those little girls were in the room already, looking so calm, content and happy with their nannies. Watching the exchange, the fear in their girls' eyes, the tears of joy from the other parents and the tears of terror from the little ones was a totally surreal experience. I was crying and it wasn't even our turn yet.
Then there was some bustling outside the room and our guide excitedly told us that the C.N. was outside!!! We peeked out and saw her being held by her nanny. All of a sudden, it was our turn. They brought the Noodle in and immediately put her into our arms and wanted us to pose for our first family photo (actually it was to be used for some official paperwork, but we didn't know that at the time). She went from this docile little peanut, to a writhing, screaming, hysterical child who had ABSOLUTELY no idea what was going on. She was a mess. We were a mess...and all the while, they kept saying "Hold her up more, tilt your heads together more, look this way, etc., ect.". Our hearts literally were breaking for her. Her little world that she knew and felt comfortable with was being turned upside down and she had no understanding as to why. It still makes me tear up when I think of it.
Us with two of the nannies from the orphanage.

Look at how she's gripping Babo, her stuffed animal that we gave her.

The first bottle.

A little playtime before bed.

Our first family picture. Someone collapsed due to exhaustion.

Thankfully, she did finally settle somewhat, but it was only due to the fact that she was in shock. We finished the paperwork and then went back down to the room to begin our life as a family of 3. She was shell-shocked as were we. We spent the rest of the night soothing her and trying to encourage her to eat, drink and play a little. I think the pictures speak for themselves in describing how she was feeling. What a blessing that by the third day, she started "coming alive" and that the shock started wearing off.
Fast-forward to today. What a difference! I continue to stand in awe that God's plan for our family has unfolded the way that it has. Yesterday during my quiet time, I was reflecting how throughout the wait, I
knew in my head, that God's plan was way better than mine, but I had no idea
how much better it was going to be. Even though I'd read the scripture, I still couldn't fully grasp what the Lord had in store for us: "This plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thoughts the same as yours. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth's, so are my ways higher than yours and my thoughts than yours."--Isaiah 55:8-9 Why, why, why do we question God? I guess the only answer is because we're human and our finite selves can't comprehend what His infinite self can accomplish.
So how did we celebrate? We got dressed up, picked up J from work and went into Chinatown to eat. We had picked up some dresses for the Noodle while in China, so she wore one of those (a bit big, but somehow I'm sure she'll grow into it eventually). We had a delicious dinner and found out that our waitress was from Fujian Province, where the Noodle was originally from. Then we came back home for cake and to watch our video from China. The C.N. was quite taken with the fact that the 3 of us were on the TV and she loved watching the "special movies". Then she opened up her gifts from us: a S.S. panda bear for her charm bracelet and a Ni Hao Kai-Lin DVD. The charm, she could take or leave but she was very excited to watch the DVD, even though she has no idea who Kai-Lin is. Guess we'll do that tomorrow.

The character for love is piped on the cake.

(Disregard the fashionable outfit on me)